8/08/05 – Tour Update – Sanford FL (day off)
August 8, 20058/10/05 – Tour Update – Alpharetta GA (day off)
August 11, 2005Today was super busy… we awoke and visited two retail stores in Orlando… both of whom I have had a great relationship with from my Sony / Columbia days…
It was SO great to see Sandy from Park Ave CDs and Hannah from East West CDs… both such awesome people and so good to see ’em again…
we then ventured to Mt. Dora and had a quick bite with Ashton’s parents… then went up to Gainesville for the festivities.
a last minute gig @ the Purple Porpoise with our friends Rashon Medlock and John Miller.
Tonight.. I was the sound guy.. which proved to be a stressful and fun task… lets just say.. I impressed myself…. I couldn’t believe how well the shows turned out… I even recorded the show and it turned out badass…
So many friends came out… Mark Gaignard, Amber, Star, Andry, Berg, Jason (Fifth Year Crush), and so many more.. was good to see some old friends.
then we hopped in the car and hit the road for Atlanta at about 1:30-2am… watched a bit of “The Majestic” before I passed out…. awoke as we pulled into Atlanta at 7am.. and i was fortunate to crash at my old place (Danny’s house). must sleep….