01/25/06 – Tour Update – Youngstown/Toledo OH
January 25, 200601/27/06 – Tour Update – E. Lansing/Lansing MI
January 27, 2006Home, sweet home! I woke up at 9am today IN MY OWN BED!! Such a great feeling. Jenny and I went out to Farmer Jack, then got my glasses fixed before getting some breakfast. I had so much fun spending the morning with her… Ashton & I left for the radio interview in Ann Arbor with Acoustic Cafe. It was so much fun.. we then rushed off to Royal Oak for our in-store.. smaller but nice crowd… I sat in playing a Djembe with Ashton and my friend Brian playing acoustic guitar on “Center of The Universe.” What a blast… before hand… Jenny took Ashton and I out to lunch.. so sweet of her!
Ann Arbor was a slow night but close to my house so we zipped home and crashed out… Jenny brouht some software over where you can make DVDs from VHS tapes… sooo cool!