03/20/06 – Highland, MI
March 20, 200603/22/06 – Tour Update – Alpharetta GA (tour prep)
March 22, 2006Jenny & I woke up around 9am… then off towards the airport by 11… I have a 1:30pm flight and its about a 40 minute drive… We had breakfast at a local diner before heading up to the airport… we sat together until I boarded my flight.. It was so sad to have to say a ‘goodbye’ of sorts…. as it will be a month until I next see her… I’m sure as hell gonna miss her!
My flight got into Atlanta at about 4pm (a half hour late)… the AirTran folks (who have usually been great) were horrible once i got off the plane… they didn’t have the assistance for me at the gate as i requested..
Remember since I recently had my tummy tuck, I can’t do any lifting until early-mid April. I waited and waited and after nearly an HOUR of them blowing me off.. I took a wheelchair and had another passenger put my bags in them for me and i just left.. fuming!
I felt so bad for Ashton, as by that time, he had been waiting for nearly an hour and a half!
So I finally got to baggage claim where an Airtran clerk tried to take the wheelchair from me as ‘it is for PEOPLE’ only… after giving him a piece of my mind.. i wheeled it outside where Ashton drove up and threw my bags in the car..
We were so busy catching up that we missed the exit to GA-400 AND to 285.. so we took the long way back to Alpharetta. I ran into Publix to get some food before heading to Doug’s place… I got a call from Danny (friend and old roomate) who lives just around the corner… he picked me up and we grabbed dinner at this kick-ass Chinese Restaurant named Xian.
Headed back to Ashton’s where we set up camp and worked on booking until 3am… more of the same for tomorrow.. then TOUR!