05/18/06 – Tour Update – Washington, DC (XM Radio)
May 18, 200605/20/06 – Tour Update – W. Reading, PA
May 20, 2006Back in early September 2005 Ashton & I did a show at the Crimson Frog Coffeehouse… With great people, great coffee, and good vibes all around… So we were pumped to get back there this spring.
Traffic was HORRIBLE getting out of Philly…. (We’re staying with our friend Lindsey the rest of this leg of the tour). It took us 4 hours just to go 110 miles to Camp Hill! ack!
Once there we grabbed dinner across the street which was great…. then finished up set up for the show…. Different crowd than the last time we played there… but very cool none-the-less… and a good friend and former Big Sky employee Amber Tison happened to be in the area as she’s seeing some Pearl Jam shows with her friends…. so she came out and hung out. I spent some of the evening researching Tom Petty tickets and adding Brian Vander Ark tour dates to his myspace.
The show went off without a hitch and we were very happy… Grabbed some goodies then made our way back to Philly…. The directions back were bad…. I recalled that the last time we came back from Camp Hill… a certain crucial turn DID NOT EXIST, which last year, resulted in us ending up in New Jersey!
So this time… I noticed before we got that far… and called an audible…. and the navigator I am, got us back to Philadelphia safe and sound… Jenny and I were texting while on the way back home… and I didn’t get a reply from her from the last one I sent… so I figured she had fallen asleep…. I wanted to say goodnight but I knew she needed good sleep… so i didn’t call… She is picking me up from the airport on Monday and i simply cannot WAIT to see her!