08/09/06 – Highland, MI
August 9, 200608/11/06 – Highland, MI – Orlando, FL (Travel Day)
August 11, 2006got up at about 7:30 this morning… met my friend Donny in E. Lansing at 9am… I’m doing a big project for The Verve Pipe.. so we started going thru things to get me started… We also got a chance to catch up, which we really didn’t get to do at the last verve pipe gig. fun time.
Headed home at 11 and grabbed a pizza and spent the day converting some stuff to dvd and cds to I-pod, ect… Jenny got to the house around 7 and helped me get things packed… I leave for Orlando tomorrow! I got my DVDs packed up days ago, I got everything for the ‘road’ supply of the online store ready, and i packed all my clothes… we got to bed around 11 or 12.