12/28/05 – Highland MI
December 28, 200512/30/05 – Highland MI
December 30, 2005I woke up at 3:30 today… I’m still not feeling well at all.. I’m not leaving this house… Mom made me some dinner so I tried that.. It tasted great but did ‘ok’ with me… I spent the day doing the myspace thing and medicating myself.. I suddenly become 10 years old when I’m sick.. I can’t wait to get over this.. Its 5am right now.. but I actually fell asleep at 11:30pm so I actually just slept 5 hours… I”m outta whack… so I’m just about to to try and sleep some more.. I have to get my passport tomorrow (or today?) so that means I have to be up and going before 2pm.
Anyways.. I’m heading back to bed… feeling SLIGHTLY better.