10/30/05 – Tour Update – Tacoma WA (day off)
October 30, 200511/1/05 – Tour Update – Spokane WA
November 1, 2005Today, my dear friend Becca is celebrating her birthday… It’s also the birthday of my late Grandma Robinson, whom I miss every day.
We awoke at 10 to do radio at noon in Olympia.. it was a blast…. then we made our way towards Olympia… and stopped mid-way to do some copies and send some mail (business stuff)… we arrived in Spokane at 8:30 and grabbed dinner at Chili’s then off to the Travelodge next door… we have a crazy day tomorrow…. Radio at noon, in-store at 5, and gig at 8.
Happy Halloween!!
tired, bed, goodnight.