11/10/05 – Atlanta GA
November 10, 200511/12/05 – Atlanta GA
November 12, 2005Today was so hectic… I picked my dad up at about 9:30am and we started running errands… did some fix-up stuff to the car and stopped by the livewire office for a few… then off to pick up my new glasses! yes!!
We then cleaned out the car and started packing it up…. its gonna be a photo finish when it comes to making everything fit….
we worked diligently until about 6:30pm… and managed to get everything i was keeping to fit! i ended up having tons of clothes that i didn’t need.
It was very tiring and long but we got everything done… my dad, so awesomely made this possible!!
We then headed to Publix where I could get some groceries and such… Ben and Kim are in North Carolina, but offered for my dad to crash here tonight before he left in the am for Michigan.. So we ventured back to the Rowell’s. He went to bed pretty quickly and i stayed up a while… im not feeling too good, stomach ache, and a tad run down… its 1am and i just cant sleep though.
I may just lay down and hope for the best… i have tons of touring work to do but i need tomorrow to do NOTHING.. yessss